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Re: oh, getting choosey now are we?....

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Posted by bobl on February 21, 2003 at 06:48:00:

In Reply to: oh, getting choosey now are we?.... posted by dan felice on February 21, 2003 at 06:17:55:

:::Forget the meds you lucky sob........when are you gonna let the commoners in on this YT connection!lol



::I just continually stalk all of the importers and see who gets back to me, no Y/T connection here! LOL
::You and a couple of others will be taken care of when I have a few more Y/T's available.
::I'm trying to build a colony of Y/T's from different locales and I also want a variety of different colored snakes.
::If the next few Y/T's I get look the same as the snakes that I already have I'll let them go. I'm trying to add only highly colored specimens to my colony now.



:both my females are the 'beige' faced type too w/ yellow tails. the male is the more yellow of the 3 but i wasn't asking many questions back then. of course, now that you got them arriving by plane and boat loads, i can see where you're getting oicky. keep on keeping on dr. lee!....dannio

I know it sounds like I'm taking these Y/T's for granted! LOL
I just want a little variety in my collection especially after the first two Y/T's I ever got were of the yellow head/face and LONG yellow tail variety.
I'll be satisfied when I get some that have as much yellow as Phils male and Deans female. Then I won't be collecting so many Y/T's. OK, probably not 100% satisfied. LOL

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