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Re: LOL, How many does that make...and

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Posted by bobl on February 20, 2003 at 20:56:28:

In Reply to: LOL, How many does that make...and posted by Chris Ken on February 20, 2003 at 14:41:57:

::I was able to secure 1.1, 6 foot long, fat, healthy Yellow Tail Cribos. They are the beige faced, dark gray bodied, bright yellow tailed variety. I was hoping for at least one of them to be a screaming high yellow snake.
::Maybe next time!
::I need to ask an important question.
::Should I hold off on treating the female for parasites until I know whether she is or isn't gravid?
::I wouldn't want to harm or kill any potential eggs using the meds!


:who in their right mind would get roid of a gravid YT?

These dealers wouldn't let go of a gravid Y/T or any other rare species, but I don't know if this snake is or isn't gravid. I was just speculating.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that she is!

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