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correct me if I'm wronfg here but...

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Posted by DeanAlessandrini on February 17, 2003 at 12:36:44:

In Reply to: Ranges of Dry's in Argentina.... posted by dryguy on February 17, 2003 at 11:10:13:

corais (yt) appears to be the "official" southern-most described subspecies...ranging (approximately) from Guyana in the NE westward to as far south and west as Peru. Caudamaculata was found in Venezuela only as of yet. Melanurus also makes it into Northern S. America but is not know to interbreed with corais or caudamaculata.(has been also documented within the ranges of both)

So...the way I'm seeing it...anything found in Argentina is either a new sub. undescribed to science, or a (VERY LARGE) extention of the range of one of the other subs.

We've seen those photos of the tiger-striped melanurus-looking snakes that were supposedly from one seems to know what it really is, other than Drymarchon.

So Carl...go forth and discover. If you find something, note the exact location, habitat type...record length, weight, do scale counts...take a ton of pics...and get all the info you possibly can. You're pioneering !! I'm envious!

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