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seems like a worthy program

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Posted by gila7150 on February 06, 2003 at 15:13:34:

I know this is premature but I came across an organization that may be worthy of our assistance in the future. They are called the Environmentally Endangered Lands Program and they purchase FL scrub and other vulnerable habitats for conservation purposes. This particular group protects a lot of the habitat in Brevard County (close to where Dean has done some of his Kennedy Space Center indigo studies). I visited the Enchanted Forest Sanctuary in Titusville today. This is a nature center surrounded by prime indigo habitat (scrub, hydric and palm hammocks). This 393 acre forest was established by the EEL program. (The pic above was taken in the nature center).
Below is a link to EEL website.
I realize there are many organizations that could benefit from our efforts but this may be one to consider in the future. Of course, this seems to be a fairly large program with a sizeable budget so maybe our funds would be better spent with a smaller organization. By the way...I herped this area this morning and saw some snakes, but unfortunately no couperi.

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