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Re: Where is Fred Albury?

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Posted by dorkdog on February 06, 2003 at 11:11:58:

In Reply to: Re: Where is Fred Albury? posted by bobl on February 06, 2003 at 11:02:39:

:You aren't trespassing! You're concerned about your purchase just as any one else would be.
:6 months and no response??? You say you e mailed him 3 times? Have you tried to call him at all?

I do not have his phone number... and let me set something straight lest you misunderstand... Fred and I had been communicating just fine and all was well (the baby snakes had yet to switch over to rodents; that's why it has been 6 months) until the thing blew up on the Forum here a few weeks ago - since then I have not been able to get a response from him. He may have divorced himself from posting on the forums (as I have)and I have sent him 3 emails over the past week or two.

Sure, I am concerned; I know Fred has suffered a loss of some relative(s) and I just want to make sure we are still on track somewhere, somehow. I don't want to lose my $140 (or worse, the hognose) but I do not believe that Fred would screw anyone over for $140.00! I just want to find out what is going on, that's all.

As far as the 'tresspassing' issue is concerned, the 'core' made it very clear to me that I am not welcome here, and that I should go back under the rock I crawled out from. So, I have.

It is not impossible to raise and enjoy indigos without benefit of this forum. I did it in the '70's, I can do it now.

Thanks for your help and consideration.

Landon Johnson

:Hopefully you didn't get burned, but not getting back to you... that sounds fishy to me!
:I'm curious to see how you make out.

:Good Luck

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