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Re: voting on name of group? (from post below)

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Posted by lynex17 on February 06, 2003 at 08:28:34:

In Reply to: voting on name of group? (from post below) posted by DeanAlessandrini on February 06, 2003 at 08:18:54:

That sounds like a sound idea. make up a list of all the names given. when you talked about weighting the vote/dry breeder/owner/stranger....didyou mean like, the dry breeder's vote counted for 2, or they got to vote for 2 choices (maybe i just didn't read it right but i just want to make sure)

also: i made a new post below with some more ideas. make sure you read it.

:Ok so we have lots of good ideas. Suggestions on how to vote this thing:

:I can put all suggestions on a post...then have folks vote on their favorite "3" (by email to me) I can then tally up the votes (don't worry, I'm not from Florida- no punch card ballots)

:I will choose the top 5 from my feedback, and post them.
:Then we will have a final...everyone choose only their favorite vote.

:That sound good?
:One more suggestion...I don't think everyone should have an equal vote.

:Here's my suggestion:

:-- Dry breeder who is going to participate: 2 votes
:-- Forum regular who owns or is very interested in Dry's: 1 vote
:-- Someone we don't know: 0 votes.

:comments? suggestions?
:other thoughts?

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