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Re: the boston wall......

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Posted by bobl on February 05, 2003 at 19:58:17:

In Reply to: the boston wall...... posted by dan felice on February 05, 2003 at 15:11:43:

::I just received my newest Y/T female today and she's beautiful!
::I've been waiting for the weather to warm up enough for her to be shipped and she arrived today.
::At her small size she is the closest thing I have to a c.b. Y/T.... that is until I get mine from Phil and anyone else who is fortunate enough to produce this season! LOL
::She's shy of 3 feet long, probably closer to 32-33 inches and is colored exactly like my biggest female with the yellow head, belly and tail. She's compareable in size to an adult Garter Snake!
::She looks to be going into the blue, but I'm going to take pics of her anyway and try to post them.
::She came at the perfect time because I had to put down the burn victim the other day.
::A very welcome surprise as all the other w.c. Y/T's I have are 5 feet and longer.
::Don't mean to carry on, but I LOVE THESE Y/T's!


:can anything slip thru the northeast w/out bobby snagging it? good grab bob.....the smaller ones make better captives down the road.


I'm doing my best to make up for lost time! LOL
We'll see if your "Wall" theory is correct in a few weeks! ;)


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