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Re: my thoughts...

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Posted by lynex17 on February 03, 2003 at 21:40:00:

In Reply to: my thoughts... posted by DeanAlessandrini on February 03, 2003 at 11:58:16:

i checked him a few hours after my post, and all seems ok. his vent was closed, and there was somemore waste on the substrate. i think he just wasn't done. thanks for the preventative info...

::This is not entirely uncommon in boids...especially carpets and tree boas / pythons, b/c they eat relatively large meals and very inactive.

:Some of the more well known breeders of these species recommend injecting the f/t rodent with water before the excess water tends to loosen the stool and make "backups" less likely.

:That said as preventative...for now, I'd say there are several things you should try:

:1- A nice long bath in 80-85 deg water may help loosen up the stool that's probably compacted in there and cause a bowel movement
:2- you can try a small (like 2 tsp) dose of mineral oil through a tube to gently stimulate defacation.
:3- If all else fails, you can actually try an enema...although you may want to talk to a qualified reptile vet to reccomend how to do this.

:When you soak the snake...gentle massage can help loosen the stool as well...sometimes after the bath you can even gently squeeze out some of the feces like a tube of toothpaste!

:my thoughts....
:good luck.

:Dean Alessandrini

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