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Re: Mike Corn & his indigo snake

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Posted by Rob Carmichael on February 01, 2003 at 10:59:17:

In Reply to: Mike Corn & his indigo snake posted by tvandeventer on January 30, 2003 at 13:50:01:

I love hearing stories like this....I was probably one of those mottley students at one time at CLC!! He is a fantastic person and a hero to me as well. I'll tell him you said hello.


:Not to change up the thread too much, but Mike Corn is an old friend of mine. He was in college at EIU when I was in junior high. We both lived in Mattoon, Illinois and he was my mentor (hero) for a short while before he moved to the University of Florida to work on his doctorate. While he was still in Illinois he would take collecting trips to Florida over Christmas break. In those days (the 60s) you could really find stuff in Florida. He would bring back the coolest snakes and sometimes he'd remember the kid back home(me!). One Christmas he brought back a seven & a half foot red-chinned male Eastern Indigo from near Homestead. It lived for years loose on the floor of the reptile house at Eastern Illinois University, eating anything that escaped...

:I hear from Mike periodically. He's stopped by my place in Mississippi, usually dragging in a mottly crew of biology students from the College of Lake County. If you speak to him, please say Hi!

:Cheers, Terry Vandeventer


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