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Re: Baby Spilotes defacated the mouse whole!!!

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Posted by cf on January 30, 2003 at 06:58:50:

In Reply to: Baby Spilotes ate!!! posted by cf on January 29, 2003 at 06:03:19:

Well, this was a short term triumph, as I found a whole, defacated fuzzy on the floor of the enclosure this morning. There were urates trailed from the nose of the mouse indicating it came out the right end, but too soon.

So, any ideas? I would think stress, coupled by the fact that she's so thin and the mouse was so fat? Maybe a smaller meal next time?

Comments, suggestions as always appreciated!!!



:Well, it looks like I didn't have to try all the techniques given in response to my last post afterall. While I was feeding my hogs I decided to put a good sized fuzzy in with my Spilotes, and sure enough she liked it! I really didn't want her to get used to live food anyway, so it looks like it was a matter of taste, preference, and sheilding her from seeing what was going on in the room even though she's already well above all my other enclosures.

:Thank you all for your responses, and I'll keep in mind the various techniques for future use!


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