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Re: The lazy man's technique; aka my technique...

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Posted by Rob Carmichael on January 27, 2003 at 07:05:21:

In Reply to: The lazy man's technique; aka my technique... posted by stevebinnig on January 26, 2003 at 19:16:15:

I am in complete agreement; also having been a former zookeeper and now a wildlife center director that features many herps, I like to keep things as simple as possible for my home collection; that means newspaper substrate, plastic hides for easy cleaning, etc. I, too, will either dump some water or heavily mist the cage prior to an impending shed for my indigos and I have rarely experienced any bad sheds. No sense in making it any more difficult than is necessary.

: I use newspaper as a substrate. It's thick and when I see the snakes eyes have cleared after being blue, I dump the water bowl in the cage and let it be wet. I never keep track of how long a snake stays blue; just wet them down the day they clear back up.
: Any way that works for you is fine. We all find something that works and keep it. I just do things the easiest, laziest way.That's why I'm a zoo keeper: I had a real job years ago and didn't like it. Hey, at least I incubate the eggs in vermiculite. Dean uses his underwear. He never made it clear to me if he's still wearing it or not.
:Good luck,

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