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Rhetorical I mean..... N/P

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Posted by shadindigo on January 24, 2003 at 17:30:37:

In Reply to: DOR's ?? Would kill me to see 'em posted by shadindigo on January 24, 2003 at 17:18:59:

::Good luck on the house, remember its meant to be a stressful process!
::Meanwhile have you considered putting DT's chickenstrip trailers on some of your dishes, mebbe put some xtra meat on that sailor of yours? See there B. its all relevant after all!
::Now...what curious minds need if you & your SU were to take off for a sress free 200 mi. drive thru the backroads of Fl......How many &%$#@-DOR Guardians would you see???????

:--------------------*SNIP* (see original post if interested)----

:Stressful is not the name for it, hellish is more accurate. It's been a painful process but hey, they don't call 'em orders for nothing. B and I agree that additional meat on either of our bones would be too much.

:Back to the subject at hand however, we'd be significantly crushed to see any DOR Guardians (pardon the unintentional pun). Actually, we're bothered by DOR ANYTHING we encounter. Having said that, I wonder if Guardian DOR's would be indicative of increasing population or further evidence of our selfish encroachment upon their range? Personally I would hope it would be the former but suspect the latter. Rheticoral question in any event and I don't expect response, but it causes me to ponder...

:B's Spousal Unit

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