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BL, Steve is very correct....It may not seem..

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Posted by dryguy on January 24, 2003 at 16:10:29:

In Reply to: Re: Administer it with a small syringe.... posted by bobl on January 24, 2003 at 07:18:24:

That there should be any difference, but it(the drug) does not get
exposed to the digestive process when administered directly...The drug is more effectively adsorbed in 1 bolus dose..Carl

:: Be aware that there is mixed opinion regarding dosing a food animal with flagyl. Our vets at Philly Zoo don't feel like it's real effective. Also, if you go to herp swaps, you might see a stainless steel extension for a syringe. It has a polished ball on the end. You can run it safely down nearly any herp's throat and it makes it easy to medicate by yourself. You can also find them on-line.
::Good Luck,
::Steve B.


:I don't see why it wouldn't work, especially when I injected it under the skin and not in the muscle or body cavity.
:I'll have them tested after treatment to make sure though.
:I've seen the devices you mention and if worst comes to worst I'll go that way, but I like to avoid having to do that until I have to do it that way.
:Thanks for the info Steve.


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