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Re: Mexico

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Posted by MXHerper on January 23, 2003 at 21:58:28:

In Reply to: Chrish, I meant to ask this before...Give up the 411!!!... posted by dryguy on January 23, 2003 at 16:58:34:

Officially Mexico requires a permit for all research whether it involves collecting (dead or alive) or not. The application process is long, very detailed, and drawn out. Everything must be submitted in Spanish. You must be working with a Mexican biologist. Only someone working at a zoo or university (professor, grad student) can obtain a permit. You must actually be doing research and need to submit the finished results according to what you proposed to the wildlife authority in Mexico. Of course you could always just work under a Mexican biologist's permit if you didn't need or want any live or dead specimens for yourself, your zoo, or university collection. This being said, anyone can go to Mexico (or any other country) and look for herps to photograph. This is ecotourism just like birding. As long as you are photographing them in situ, in the wild there's no problem. It's the same for all other Latin American countries. You shouldn't be picking up herps and brining them back to the motel to take photos later or moving them from the area they were found. Wildlife authorities in most areas are non-existent or few and far between at best but it's better to stick to the ecotourism and not do anything that technically requires a permit. I love herping Mexico but I wouldn't advise people who don't at least know basic Spanish to pack their vehicle and head south. There are plenty of safe places but there are also plenty of unsafe areas where tourists shouldn't be.

:How much BS(read:paperwork, bribes,hassles, etc) did it take to get the permission and permits to herp Mexico...Where collecting or just "catch and release"? If the later, did that require
permission, too? Carl

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