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Re: Meeting...I suggest everyone invite Dean over for a

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Posted by bobl on January 23, 2003 at 11:45:13:

In Reply to: Meeting...I suggest everyone invite Dean over for a posted by dryguy on January 23, 2003 at 11:33:51:

:We spent 5 hours BS'ing and going over all my Dry's..Talk about twins sons of different mothers!!(sorry, reference is to an album made before many of you were born :-)...) Anyway, loads of fun and then the real treat happens...

:Deanno has pointed out on several occasions his observation of male Easterns always having keels on the middle 4-5 rows of dorsal scales as adults...NOT females...So we are handling my youngest "pair" I've had for 2 1/2 yrs (they will be 4 yr olds about now) I had introduced them this winter but no breeding interest was seen...Anyway, Dean says "Carl, have you probed this male?" I said "No, he's clearly a male by the sub-cloacal bulge" Dean says"Yeah, but he doesn't have any keels!" "Let's probe him" Bingo, I have a new FEMALE!!!!!

:Surely magic was involved here as I couldn't have been wrong!! Dean is a Wizard and blessed me with a new girl!!!

:I suggest everybody invites Dean over for burgers and beans!! A great time for both of us...Lots of info and observations...I would hope that we all pledge to meet with other contributors to the forum whenever we are within striking distance of the home lair...I blew it last summer with Bobby Lee, when I didn't make the 50 mile drive to meet him while I was in Boston...(Won't happen again this summer, Bobby!!..We'll be up in your neck of the woods sometime this summer!) Don't pass up the opportunity to meet other Dry crazies!!! Carl

Congrats on the "new female"!
I never knew about the "Keel thing" on males!
Good eye Dean!
We'll meet soon enough, maybe in your neck of the woods! I wouldn't want you to waste your vaca time on me and your state is much nicer than mine anyway!!! LOL


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