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Re: D. caudomaculatus?

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Posted by bobl on January 20, 2003 at 08:16:58:

In Reply to: Re: D. caudomaculatus? posted by gila7150 on January 18, 2003 at 17:03:34:

:Damn Bobby...sorry to hear about your YT. Do you have a good herp vet in your area? With burns that serious the guy will probably need injectable antibiotics and silvadene cream. Infection is usually what kills an animal with serious burns...especially with an animal that can wallpaper his cage with feces at a moment's notice.
:I hope he/she pulls through for you. Which one was it?
:That has got to be frustrating to spend so much time acclimating an animal only to have a fluke accident like this happen. Good luck.
: Chris

Thanks for the support. That goes for everyone else too.
It really sucks that he got burned and it was my fault.
I have the locks on my sliding glass doors and I've had some problems with one of them sticking so that I couldn't turn the key to lock it.
I was too lazy to take the 30 seconds to spray some graphite into the lock right then and there and figured I'd do it when I got home from work the next day.
I know they are incredible escape artists, but thought there would be no escapees during the night and of course he got out!
He got out of a Vision Cage by sliding his head and neck between the two panes of glass repeatedly until one of the doors opened just enough on one end for him to get out.
I've seen them do it many times before, but the lock always held the doors in place.
I got some excellent medical advice from a Dr., but I feel it may be too late.
If you use sliding doors of any kind LOCK THEM!!!!!!


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