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Spilotes housing?

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Posted by cf on January 19, 2003 at 21:46:11:

Hi; I just purchased a captive bred baby Spilotes at a show (this was quite a surprise as we don't see babies in the northeast at all),and would like some real world insite into proper housing. I have been reading whatever I can find on this species for about 2 years now and find that some people have success with dry setups, and others use humid setups, so I'm wondering what's best and am thinking the humid setup is the way to go. I presently have a 55gal tall that I was planning to stand vertically on end to create an arboreal environment. I realize this will be temporary as they get very long, but I thought it might be a good start? I can either use a wire cage cover, or build a lucite door depending on how difficult it will be to maintain humidity if necessary.

My questions are regarding proper humidity and substrate. I see some using aspen, while others use cypress, and still others are using newspaper. Basically I'm looking for a general consensus on the best environment for keeping my little guy healthy.

Pictures and suggestion will be much appreciated!!!

Thank you!


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