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Iguana noises

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Posted by Kate on April 16, 2003 at 16:23:33:

This morning Lizard made a funny noise that I'd never heard from him before. He was basking, and had just stopped eating his breakfast. Right before I left for work, I went in and rubbed his head. At the same time as I started rubbing, he started to make this noise... I don't know how to describe it. It wasn't the clicking noise that we sometimes hear from them. The sound was somewhat similar, but instead of one short burst of sound like a click, the noise was continuous. Has anyone ever heard a noise like this from their igs? After I rubbed his head, I helped him shed a little from one of his legs and his shoulder, and he made a bunch of typical clicking noises. It was kind of strange, because he usually doesn't make the clicking noises when I'm helping him with his shed. He usually makes them when he's nice and relaxed in the bath, and I rub him along the side of his spines... Well, sorry for such a long post about a little noise, but I was curious. :-)

In other news, Lizard was a bad boy today... He was sitting on my shoulder while I talked to a friend who was sitting in a chair in front of me. Then he leapt off of my shoulder directly onto her head!! Fortunately she likes Lizard, but she really wasn't expecting him to land suddenly on top of her head. I got him off without causing her any additional damage, but I got a bunch of scratches in the process. :-/

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