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Re: Which wood stain for indoor cage?

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Posted by sjenkins on April 13, 2003 at 13:16:43:

In Reply to: Re: Which wood stain for indoor cage? posted by Mr. D on April 12, 2003 at 23:25:20:

So if I could talk her into a latex paint how long should I wait before the move in?
:From my experience, *stain* can be anything that you like. What you're going to have to be most concerned about is the polyurethane. I use four coats inside an enclosure as a rule because when you combine claws, heat, humidity, feces, possible mites, food, water and UV it's a fairly harsh environment. Try to find a quality poly with UV inhibitors otherwise you may end up redoing roughly 1/3 of the enclosure at some point probably within 2 years.

:Once the final coat is dry, install your heat source(s) and run the enclosure for a day or so at max temp to help cure everything making sure that the enclosure cross ventilation is also working well. Airing out should really only take an additional couple of days as long as everything is dry. Now, having said that, I've become somewhat lazy in the last year or so and take the "easy" way out and use latex paint .... ;) But, then again, I haven't had to build a "furniture quality" enclosure for a few years either.


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