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A pic you won't believe, and I will not explain except...

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Posted by colby on May 12, 2003 at 20:14:30:

In Reply to: A pic you won't believe, and I will not explain except... posted by Scott Wright on May 12, 2003 at 02:36:38:

:...Except to say that getting my genetic striped jungle corn to breed a hypo Honduran was not easy! I bred them twice, with super high sperm counts both times.

:I think they will reproduce and have viable young since it is a 25% Elaphe/75% Lampropeltis cross. The jungle corn is het albino, and his stripe, so far, has appeared in half of the offspring of every clutch he has fathered. So I expect some striping to appear in the offspring. If not, you can bet that there will at least be color!

:Here's the plan when I breed the babies from this pairing: Imagine a snake with the jungle's pattern (Bold stripe with Aztec sides) and the hondo's blazing orange color! Then keeping their genetics in mind, make that snake in your head a Hypo since all the babies will be hets! Oh yeah, there should be albinos as well...

:Besides, to those that will tell me I should not breed a jungle corn to a hypo hondo, I say this: What should I breed her to? Definitely not another hondo---No one in their right mind would breed another hondo to this ugly hypo female!

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