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Re: Playing with mother nature.........

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Posted by Kingmilk on February 02, 2003 at 02:52:16:

In Reply to: Re: Playing with mother nature......... posted by snakeguy88 on January 26, 2003 at 14:28:32:

Many researchers feel that most domestic species; dogs, cats, cattle, poultry, ect, actually represent some levels of hybridization in the past and actually AREN'T descended from one species, as the Darwinists would have us believe. Some think they all come from one species, but I find this very dubious. Ancient peoples would have had no concept of "hybrid" and if the event occured and a fertile offspring occured (as happens in MANY cases) then it is unlikely that ancient peoples would have culled it out due to the knee jerk reaction that many modern peoples would have to these same animals. You must consider that ancient peoples did not suffer fromt he indoctrinations that modern peoples suffer from. They had their own indoctrinations, and they were very often VERY different from ours.

:Dogs intermixing is not technically crossbreeding...They are the same species and and considered different "races." By your token, people of different races having children would be crossbreeding as well, would they not? (BTW I do not mean to offend anyone with my remarks. They are provided as an example) Andy

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