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Posted by Scott Wright on January 13, 2003 at 12:04:41:

In Reply to: Re: Very hopeful news, pic... posted by jusmebabe on January 11, 2003 at 21:49:12:

First, I'm glad to be able to have a dialogue with someone who wants to discuss things rationally! I have a few thoughts that may give you an idea of the reasons I want this breeding to be successful:

1) I have seen babies from this cross before, and they were not only healthy babies that grew up to be healthy adults. They were also in my top three list of coolest looking snakes I've ever seen!

2) I also wanted to try it for the challenge. There have been few of these breedings and even fewer successful hatchings. Being a professional snake breeder i love a good long shot!

3) Also since I am a professional breeder, I like the fact that these babies will be much more valuable than either of the parent species.

4) This fits into my guidelines for breeding hybrids, namely: I believe the babies will be normal and healthy based on closeness of relation. Also, the babies should look very different from the adults. I can't stand it when people breed two snakes together just to see what will happen, with no plan or forethought of what they may be creating or what to do with the babies!

I think it's plain that these babies will not be dumped off at some pet shop or wholesaler at rock bottom prices, just to be sold as whatever they think will sell for the most money. My theory is that if you create a hybrid that is more valuable than either parent species, that will inherently lower the chances of them being misrepresented down the road.

Hopefully this gives you an idea of why I'm for this breeding. May I ask why you are against it?

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