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How about this...

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Posted by anuraanman on April 06, 2003 at 20:04:17:

In Reply to: Did I miss the turtle version of posted by asalzberg on April 03, 2003 at 17:11:28:

You might be a herper if
...the local museum has ever asked if they could borrow your shell collection for a temperary display. any given moment there is a decomposing turtle in your garden being cleaned out by insects, much to the dismay of your parents who can't stand the smell so close to the tomato patch. have ever rerferred to a snapper as "cute"'ve ever almost been in a car accident swerving to avoid a turtle then jumping out into traffic and grabbing it up while in mid sprint and diving into a ditch to avoid an oncomming semi truck. You end up with a bloody nose and some awful scrapes but the turtle is fine.

...children pay admission to ride on the backs of your larger specimens.

ok, i just made those up and have no clue if they are any good, hopefully they will at least ispire some other you might be a herper turtle jokes to be put in this forum.

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