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The only dates you'll lose are the ones that should be lost.

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Posted by TexIndigo Gal on January 30, 2003 at 12:17:07:

In Reply to: How many... (part 2). posted by coluguy on January 25, 2003 at 14:59:36:

Trust me on this one.

I dated almost exclusively through the personals, and met my husband of 5 years via an online personal ad that I had placed. I was very upfront about myself. I said "If you are allergic, or don't like animals, you will be happier with someone else."

Same for sports: "If you must watch, listen and read about sports to the exclusion of all else, I'm not the girl for you."

Finding a mate is a great big craps shoot. For every 100 times you "throw the dice", you might find two good prospects. Then you'll think about those two, "gee what a great guy, wish I knew the right girl to introduce him to." Then you throw the dice again. There are worse things to get out of the dating game than a friend (who might introduce you to someone more compatible.)

Whatever you do, don't sell out yourself. Every time I hear that "Oh, Bob's (or Bobbie's) getting married, so s/he has to get rid of his/her monitor/python/macaw/poodle/cat [insert your pet here]," I just shake my head. If that person is controlling you now, just what exactly do you think that the future holds? The "right one" won't rob your life of the things that bring you joy, s/he will multiply them, even if s/he doesn't share your herp interest.

I'm SO lucky. My husband and I share interests ranging from fishing to fine arts, blue-jeans to black-tie.

One 80lb. dog (Dante the Golden Receiver), a thoroughly worthless cat, three snakes (Tex Indigo, speckled king, Tex rat), and who knows what will join the menagerie next week?

:How many of you guys GOT dates because of your reptiles? The score for me is lost: 50 or so, got: 0. Reptiles suck! no wait.. let me rephrase that. Dates suck! (compared to reptiles that is, i mean hey, i wouldnt mind a hot chick who digs reptiles).


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