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It was called "The 7 Deadly Strikes" I believe. np

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Posted by ThaVille on November 18, 2002 at 16:24:41:

In Reply to: Re: I saw the show....more posted by gomezvi on November 18, 2002 at 14:59:43:

:I wasn't gonna mention how he grabbed the gaboon, but now that you mentioned it... Did you notice how his whole demeanor changed after getting bit TWICE! His talk was showing that he had a healthy respect for the gaboon, but his actions showed what he really was- STUPID!
:Did you catch the name of the show or tape it? I think this would be great to show at herp clubs, under the title 'What NOT to do with dangerous snakes'.
:And I don't know if I would say the show was completely uninformative; it was interesting to see that some idiots WILL survive cobra bites. I was hoping to see his reaction to the gaboon bite...
::And it was obvious how big of a moron the guy was.....he was'nt doing anything informative, he was just provoking dangerous animals and he paid for it...TWICE! The cobra he got bit by was a snouted cobra i believe. The boomslang is definitely not the most venomous snake in the world....not even close....practically all the australian snakes are more venomous, soecifically the Fierce snake & the brown snakes....not to mention the mambas. And did u see the way he just jumped on top of that swimming gaboon? He was an idiot.


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