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Re: That's BS buddy.

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Posted by karenh on October 17, 2002 at 20:32:16:

In Reply to: come try it at my petsmart, you'd be surprised posted by screenamesuck44 on October 16, 2002 at 12:18:59:

Why would anyone at a pet shop want to sell a $4 anole over a $75 chameleon? That's stupid. You apparently don't know what you're talking about. A small pet shop would make more money selling the chameleon over the anole any day.
If we don't buy from pet shops, then where do we buy animals? On line...where you can't see the actual animal and inspect it before you buy. Then when you get it in the mail or at the airport it is half the stated size and half dead. Don't knock what you don't know, idiot. I work at a mom and pop pet shop and we KNOW what we're talking about. If we give inappropriate info, then the animal is not going to live and guess what, the people come back to us. The only animals we have EVER had complaints about are, guess what, FERRETS. The damn things bite. I tell the buyers over and over before they purchase the stupid mammals that they bite and the people buy them anyway. Then call back in a day or two complaining that they "just won't stop biting." So get your facts straight before you lump all pet shops together.

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