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Re: Several interesting, maybe funny, ramblings...

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Posted by snakeguy88 on September 22, 2002 at 19:49:45:

In Reply to: Several interesting, maybe funny, ramblings... posted by Squee on September 21, 2002 at 21:43:43:

I am a junior in highschool at 16. I get a slightly different response. I am one of the "in-crowd." I look like a prep meets grunge kid(sometimes just more preppish) lol. Anyway, when people find out I keep snakes, they normally are just weirded out or impressed. Normally I like to give them impression that it is a very brave thing to do. "I am always out catching cottonmouths...cute little guys!" This normally gives the impression that I am sooooo brave that even the cottonmouths that everyone loathes and fears are just cute little snakeys heh. Some older people do get freaked out though, and ask if Satan has forced this upon me. I smile and say "Nope...Does Satan compel you to keep dogs and cats?" Normally takes care of the problem right then and there. But you are so right, reptiles do have a horrible rap and are taken for granted. Many people say they are afraid of snakes. I ask why. They say "They are slimy, deadly, and one tried to eat me when I was little." I ask them if they have ever touched one, read about them, and I ask for a general description of the snake that tried to "eat them." The snake normally turns out as...a rough/smooth green snake! lol. They reply with "It was a skinny and long snake that was grass green, and it hissed and tried to bite me. Oh well, people fear what they do not understand. Until snakes are truly "domesticated" and people lose their natural(truthfully unnatural as fearing snakes is a learned behaviour) instincts about snakes, we have to endure this. Oh, here is a pic of me. Ignore the rat...I am just not allowed to hold my python in first day of school pics lol. Best Regards. Andy

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