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Captive Phrynosoma ownership program?

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Posted by Cable_Hogue on May 13, 2003 at 21:03:46:

In Reply to: Captive Phrynosoma ownership program? posted by Jeff Judd on May 13, 2003 at 17:54:33:

:Hey L,
: Unfortunately their are always going to be people who break the law. People trying to pass wild-caught animals as captive-bred would be a problem. Hopefully making it legal to captive breed horned lizards will do the opposite and discourage people from buying wild-caught. Anyone who has kept captive-bred horned lizards knows how much more better they do than wc. Their are two ways that might help discourage this repulsive behavior. Like with gila monsters(which are state and federally protected) this was a problem as they typically go for $1200 until some simple requirements were set by fish and game. The first method would be to have everyone that sells horned lizards have photographic proof they were captive bred. A picture of all the hatchlings lined up eggshells and all. Requiring a captive propagation permit listing all the adults in possesion and the species you intend to captive breed should also help. It just doesn't make sense to me to make laws against captive propagation when thousands upon thousands of horned lizards are destroyed every year do to habitat alteration by humans. This is the BIGGEST problem of all. No habitat means no horned lizards. I think the sooner we all realize that we're all part of the problem and stop blaming people who keep horned lizards and or the pet trade for everything some of the real problems might get attention. Do you really think if no horned lizards were ever brought into captivity horned lizards would be much better off than they are right now. Their running out of land. It seems their are many people that would rather see horned lizards bulldozed than saved and brought into a captive environment. People and animals have had relations from the beginning of our existance and I think they should continue to do so.Jeff

Valid points Reptoman and great response Jeff,
You might also require a breader to be licensed (more money for the program) and document all sales. Something like you would do with other registered animals. I don't think a largescale captive production line is a good thing. I wouldn't want to see them sold at roadside stands for tourists. At the same time I think the serious hobbyist should have access.
There should be enough land already set aside to ensure their survival if managed properly.
Just some thoughts. And it would not be an easy thing to do. But it might be a worthwhile thing to do if there were enough support.

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