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new update on not eating HL

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Posted by Les4toads on April 26, 2003 at 11:17:48:

In Reply to: new update on not eating HL posted by ugh on April 26, 2003 at 08:59:28:

:I live in Florida. I am trying to feed him small black ants all different types and fire ants and the harvester ants from this site. I bought him at a pet store. He is a short horned lizard.

:I would go back to the pet store and get a positive ID on the HL. It sounds like you have a "yearling" HL or it could be a Roundtail Horned Lizard, Phrynosoma modestum. At about 2 inches, it is not an adult. I doubt you are collecting "fire ants" because "fire ants", Solinopsis invicta, would not let you get near them without you being attacked. They are very aggressive. Honey Pot ants are a good food item for young HLs. You need to get a better ID on the HL and the ant types. If you want to get an ID on the ants, go to the nearest university Biology Department, entomology lab, and take ant samples. They can give you a positive ID. Keep the ants in the refridgerator and only offer a few at a time. This will decrease stress on the HL and allow the ants to be more easily eaten. Lester G. Milroy III

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