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Re: Horned lizard breeding

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Posted by Les4toads on April 16, 2003 at 10:52:51:

In Reply to: Re: Horned lizard breeding posted by dennis447 on April 15, 2003 at 22:13:25:

::::I am new to this forum but have read for a long time. I currently own 12 horned lizards 10 adult 2 babies. Of the adult 7 are female 3 are male. I have owned horned lizards for almost two years. I now have some gravid females and was wondering what advice you guys could give me about incubation temps, and removing them from the cage. I keep them in a 8 ft. long by 3ft. high by 2.5 ft. deep. custom cage I had built I was wondering if this is big enough for them. Any info. would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

::: Hey Dennis,
::: I place my gravid females in a 3ft long by 1 1/2ft wide enclosures with six inches of moist sand(only for gravid females ready to lay). Keep the wattage of the heat bulb low in case your not around and she lays the eggs on the surface(they will cook). When a female is ready to lay she becomes extremely restless, searching for a suitable nest site. She then digs a burrow in which to lay the eggs which takes about half a day. The eggs should carefully be removed and placed in a container with 5 parts perlite to 1 part water(volume), I do not add any more water throughout the incubation. I use a hovabator as the heat source. Temperatures varies upon the species but generally about a constant 84 F is good. Incubation is usually 40 - 50 days. If you private message me the species you have I can give you more information.

::: Jeff

:::So, what species is in your care? A legal one I hope! Lester G. Milroy III

:Yep no need to worry mine are all legal. They are all P.platyrhinos. I dont beleive in breaking the law. Thanks

:Thank you. I appreciate your response. Lester G. Milroy III

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