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Re: Thats why I am asking

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Posted by kwdnobull on April 09, 2003 at 13:46:23:

In Reply to: Re: Thats why I am asking posted by puddingskin on April 04, 2003 at 23:39:11:

:thats awesome, I was wondering do you have success keeping the ants in the house for periods of time? Also what size enclosure do you use and what species do you have. Thanks again
Spike is a Coastal Horned Lizard. He, (gender dervived by info obtained from this forum), measures 4 inches from snout to vent and 6 inches over all.

Because of where I live, I have no need to keep any more than a couple of hundred ants at a time. When I run out I simply go outside and collect more. I usually keep a tupperware sandwich container in my vehicle, that way I can collect ants whenever I happen upon them ie. kids softball game. This also provides different species of ants, diet diversity???
Spikes home is a 15 gallon aquarium. I have a hot rock, natural rocks, sticks, natural sand substrate and a plant in one corner. I use a two bulb hood, one incandescent bulb and one uv type reptile bulb, 50 watts total. This allows temperature control and artificial daylight cycling. Although his home is next to a window which allows for natural sunlight, it is my understanding that glass filters out all or a portion of uv a and b??? You will find in this forum suggestions that they need these rays for proper health.

Good luck


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