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Re: New Owner - a few questions (long - any help apprec)

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Posted by gcsnelling on November 25, 2002 at 08:27:38:

In Reply to: Re: New Owner - a few questions (long - any help apprec) posted by WYOtoads on November 24, 2002 at 22:52:46:

I was not trying to slam you or anything of that sort, and nothing I said warranted the tone of your response. I was trying to point out what could be a critical misinformation regarding the ID of the ants. If your source told you that Argetines were harvesters that would concern me since if they have that wrong, what else are they telling you which could be wrong. Argentines and harvestors are very different chemically which is why expressed concern. Since you live in Wyoming There is little chance of Argentines establishing there. I have a major advantage over you in that I live in Southern California which means many ant species are still active here and will be all winter, not a knock on you , but a nice plus, I guess there has to be one since I live in the Los Angeles area. If it were me and I were trying to feed small HLs I would probably try using Solenopsis xyloni, one of our native fireants (although Lester and I have had words about this)another choice would be Messor pergandei a harvester species which has much smaller workers I am glad your kids are doing well. and wish you continued good luck with them

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