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Posted by wanmeili on September 04, 2002 at 08:14:02:

I am posting this for someone on the health forum b/c no one has answered her, and it sounds like she really needs some help:

I am writing because I feel this is an emergency and I will check back on the responses soon!!! MY HTL's harvester ants arrived this afternoon. I put him and a few of the ants in a container together...he didn't seem interested in the ants and just closed his eyes and went to sleep...he watched them a little, but didn't eat any. The emergency is this: he got stung in BOTH eyes by these nasty little BA$TARD$, and I had to work diligently to get the stingers out of them...even tweezers were too big. Will he get sick or die??? Do I need to turn the ants into a slush ((puree)) and 'force feed' him to give him the nutrition??? Will he die now that he has been stung in BOTH eyes??? Help please!!! I am terribly worried about Marley. He is resting bowed over on my chest now, sleeping...I am scared he is in pain from the stings to the eyes...((eyelid/area)). Does he need anything for pain??? Help, please!!! Also, could


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