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Re: Species available in trade?

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Posted by Pennebaker on August 26, 2002 at 17:12:40:

In Reply to: Species available in trade? posted by kumpfamily on August 26, 2002 at 14:57:10:

Only 3 species available for COMMERCIAL collection: p. platyrhinos(northern desert HLs) from Nevada, hernandesi(short-horn HLs) from Nevada and modestum (roundtail HLs) from Texas. All others are protected from commercial collection. Individualized collection can happen on other species, often requiring specific permits from the State's Fish & Game, but this varies from state-to-state. Check with your state's Fish & Game to learn what species need permits, which ones are protected or whether you need a permit at all. Licensed private collection is usually regulated in that collected specimens are not to be sold for financial gain. Also, there are restrictions as to how many(bag limits), whether they can be transported out-of state and a host of other little details. Once again, it's different with each state. Check with your sate's F&G!

m'callis are definitely protected. They have a very small range and are considered to be one of the more rare and protected species as far i know. If you live in Cali or AZ, which are the states these guys are found, then these guys are definitely hands-off.
If you must have an HL for a pet, then my advice would be to get a platyrhinos from Nevada as their are the hardiest of the 3 available.

:I have people that I have met through kingsnake offering HL's for sale.
:I think that the following species are okay to sell in the comercial trade. Can you confirm this? Also are there any I missed?
:Phrynosoma mcallii:
:Phrynosoma modestum:
:Phrynosoma platyrhinos:

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