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Re: Ants???

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Posted by Les4toads on August 22, 2002 at 15:39:34:

In Reply to: Ants??? posted by Lexi on August 21, 2002 at 21:32:00:

:About a week ago a friend brought me a horned lizard he caught in Texas. He had kept it in a cardboard box for a few days before he got "bored with it" and handed it over to me (I have an Iguana and have been dubbed a 'lizard person').

:Right now I have it in a 40 gallon Rubbermaid tub with sand, some desert plants, some rocks for basking, and a small water bowl. The tub is outside on my porch and has direct sunlight for about 8 hours a day.

:I've provided large black tree ants, small black ants, crickets, and mealworms and he hasn't eaten any of them.

:I think the crickets and mealworms might be too big for him but that doesn't explain why he won't eat the ants. Am I feeding him the wrong kind? Could someone post some pics or descriptions of the kind that he can eat?

:I live in Northeast Oklahoma (Bartlesville area).



:Hello Lexi. Your friend has given you a problem. The Texas Horned Lizard, Phrynosoma cornutum, is a protected species in Texas and Oklahoma. But that aside, tha ants that the HL eats are native to your area. There are several species of Pogonomyrmex available as long as you are willing to go out and collect them. If you do collect them, put them in the refridgerator to cool them down and offer only a few at a time. It is that time of the year when HL activity slows in preparation for winter hibernation. Crickets and mealworms are not the diet you need to focus on for the HL. Ants are. You did not say how big, snout-vent length, the HL was and that would aid in determining ant species best suited. Lester G. Milroy III

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