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Re: Not completely true Lester! >>>

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Posted by Lester G. Milroy III on July 26, 2002 at 11:34:38:

In Reply to: Re: Not completely true Lester! >>> posted by loren on July 26, 2002 at 08:39:34:

: : :Loren, thank you for you view. I appreciate the discussion and the information. I do have some reservations on your assumption that commercial collection of HLs has little impact on populations.

: Lester, I never made the aformentioned assumption. Not once! Of course commercial collection has an impact, it's just that this impact is "relatively" minor. Which is to say that the impact that commercial collection has on HL populations is small when compared to the impact that habitat loss, non-native species degradation and pesticicde use has. IMO, people interested in HL conservation should concentrate on these issues rather than harassing collectors and promoting guilt in new HL keepers.

: I disagree with your absolute generalization that commercial collection has never promoted conservation. However, being that I'm not a staunch supporter of commercial collection or a fan of WC lizards, arguing with you over these issues seems fruitless.
: I just don't have the heart to argue with you, Lester, anyhow.
: good luck on your HL studies and website,
: loren

: Commercial collection of HLs does nothing to promote conservation issues and the only data provided is a body count.

:Loren, your views are great and I really appreciate your discussion. I understand your points and I take the presentation seriously. You do make good points and I do not negate your stand. I also appreciate your lack of support for WC and commercial collection. I hope folks will also get the message and promote conservation issues and be an aid in gathering information and be aware of the problems that are and will continue to cause declines in HL populations in the wild. Lester G. Milroy III

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