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I'm not here to advertise. I 'll email u my website address...-NP

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Posted by loren on July 10, 2002 at 13:58:27:

In Reply to: Website? posted by MatthewT on July 10, 2002 at 09:53:45:

: And what is your website? I'de like to take a look?

: Matthew

: : Traditionally, when imports or freshly collected specimens lay viable eggs that produce babies, those babies are considered to be captive-hatched(or CH). Nowadays, importers and collectors like to increase their sales by claiming their CH babies are CB, frequently using the excuse that 'they were born in captivity'. For this reason, the market has had to adjust and the CB term has become ambigious. CB can mean captive-bred or captive-born, but either could very well just be a CH instead. Breeders have tried using CBB( or captive-bred-&-born), but it hasn't been catching yet. So, labeling is a mess. It's really been apparent in the frilled dragon market this year.
: : I breed desert horned lizards but only sell 10-15 babies per year. All of this year's clutches have been spoken for or sold in advance. My babies are captive-bred-&-born. I have pics of desert HLs hatching on my website for any doubters.

: : : : : I found but that is it.

: : : : : Matthew

: : : : :They are not a source for CB horned lizards. There is no such thing as a CB horned lizard in the pet trade. They are all WC. If they can prove otherwise, have them contact me. Lester G. Milroy III

: : :
: : : Lester larry has had babies with his wc hls so woudlnt they be concidered CB? ?? ( hes a good guy really never dishonest and very nice..matthew if youre plannin on buying desert HLs go thru him
: : : mine had worms and he even sent me deworming capsules !! well, hope this helps..

: : : A

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