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Re: SAnD

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Posted by Chad on June 17, 2002 at 21:43:57:

In Reply to: Re: SAnD posted by Lester G. Milroy III on June 17, 2002 at 21:23:28:

: : what kind of sand is good to use i know playsand is too rough and silica is glass.... ive been using calci sand for my female but its too much money id end up paying a furtune to fill up a 3ft long rubbermaid tub... thanks

: :The best sand I use comes form HL habitats. As I have monitored HLs over the years, on of the studies has been soil density testing. HLs have been noted to show a preference to sandy washes. Wash or aluvial sands have the best results with HLs. The sand is smoothed by water action and is just the right density for HLs to burrow in and under. The HLs also show a tendency to "eat" small bit of the sand periodically. They may do this for several reasons. One reason may be an aid in pulverizing ant exoskeletons to aid in digestion, sort of like birds do with small stones. Second, there are trace elements that provide nutrients to HLs. Hope this helps. Lester G. Milroy III

I am going to question this sand as i was just thinking that there isnt alot of sand here in oklahoma and i know we had and still have horned lizards here. I know sand is the prefered substrate but how many of the species native to the US actually live on sand?

Also note this is not a question to piss anyone off as i am new to HL but i am more curious.


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