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Re: A few questions for lester Milroy

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Posted by Lester G. Milroy III on June 12, 2002 at 17:12:03:

In Reply to: Re: A few questions for lester Milroy posted by James Hazel on June 12, 2002 at 11:34:23:

: : I had a few questions about HL for you

: : 1. What size tank do they need?

: : 2. What should be included in that tank

: : 3. Do you like anything else but ants

: : 4. Do the species of HL in Arizona vary any from the ones in Cal. and Texas because they look a lot different in the picture.

: : Thanks James

:Tank size that I recommend is the bigger the better. height is no big deal, 14 to 16 inches is pleanty high, base is best at 24 by 36 minimum. At the minimum two HLs can be kept without much of a problem, 4 maximum at this size, but again, bigger is better. A substrate of at least 3 inches deep. Try not to use play sand, because the sand still has coarse edges. In the wild, most HL species are in aluvial areas or wash areas. The sand has relatiely smooth edges. Sharp edges tend to be an abrasive and cause damage. Rocks, small pieces of wody materials, just like in a HL habitat. Divide enclosure in to two areas, one side hot for basking and one side cooler for thermoregulation. Ants are the majority of the diet. If you have access to different ants, the more variety the better. Small crickets, 2 -3 per week only, if the diet is met with ants. Do not use mealworms. The are not a natural food item for HLs.

There are 13 different species of HL in North America, 8 in the Southwestern United States and 5 in Mexico. The HLs in Arizona are different from the ones in California. California and Arizona share the Desert HL, Phrynosoma platyrhinos, and the Flattail HL, Phrynosoma mcalli. The Flattail is under review for protection under the Endangered SPecies Act as a Threatened Species. Hope this helps. Lester G. Milroy III

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