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Tail raising - dominance or greeting?

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Posted by Lyn (again) on May 28, 2002 at 07:43:06:

My red HL Godzilla definitely seems to be adopting the dominant roll over my yellow HL Hercules. Godzilla Head bobbs, sometimes from a laying down position, sometimes he lifts his chest off the ground to bob. When Hercules approaches him from behind he sticks his tail straight up. Hercules stops, then approaches slowly from the side and lays down next to him. Sometimes this leads to a head bobbing display from Godzilla, sometimes they just lay quietly together. Hercules has not bobbed or raised his tail in my presence. Don't know what they do when I'm not around. Gave them a dozen mealies yesterday. They loved them. I'm considering having them as a display only pet, they really hate to be picked up. They were so calm at the store, but they were crowded and the tank was probably cooler. I'm enjoying just watching them, and think they prefer it that way too.

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