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Re: HL growth

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Posted by Lester G. Milroy III on May 13, 2002 at 09:52:24:

In Reply to: HL growth posted by charlie cloud on May 12, 2002 at 13:21:48:

: I was wondering about HL growth the HL i found was an inch and a half when i found it in september of 2001. in march she had reach tow inches. from september to november her diet was termites because she would not eat ant. when she woke up from hibernation i january she ate mostly crickets up untill april becouse i could not find any thing els exept the ocasional snake of a diffrent bug. in april i found a termite source untill three weeks ago. in that time she grew an inch she is now three inches. is this normal or have the termite suplyed with somthing the crickets didn't. she is eating ants now at this vary minet i am waiting for the arival of some ants.

: i just wanted to thank you lester for your time and help in the past.

:Crickets do not supply a lot of the nutrients that termites and ants do. Crickets are basically "fluff" for horned lizards. Because of the horned lizard physiology and the adaptation of horned lizards as ant specialists, termites and ants provide the optimal resources necessary for growth and nutrition. Your growth rate data sounds like everything is fine for the HL you are taking care of. Lester G. Milroy III

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