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Re: the story on my texas horned lizards

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Posted by Lester G. Milroy III on May 01, 2002 at 11:09:00:

In Reply to: the story on my texas horned lizards posted by marc on May 01, 2002 at 10:37:15:

: i went to lees reptile swap in streamwood, il and purchased two of them from a vender. i had no idea i needed any permits to own these guys. but i do need some help on their care. i have them in a 10 gallon, with sand and a few rocks on the side. i mist them and the sand bout 3 times a day. but they dont seem to eat alot of ants. they might take down one or 2, but thats when i leave them in there for a few days. please help. thanks

:Marc, you need to contact your local U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service office in your area and report the illegal trade of protected species. You also need to contact the folks at the reptile swap and let them know also. THere is a big fine, up to $10,000.00, for this kind of activity. The HLs will probably not eat for a while due to stress. Folks in the pet trade ignore this one critical fact that stress is a killer and all of the transportation and shuffling around of will captured animals is not a good thing. The HLs were probably in small containers or in containers with other animals that amplify the stress factor. One thing you will have to do, if you are going to keep the HLs, is get as big an enclosure as possible. 10 gal is too small for two HLs. The bigger, the better as the saying goes. Let me know what your plans are and I will see if I can do anything more to help. THe legal aspect MUST be cleared up first. The best interest of the Horned Lizards is the next issue that we can address. Lester G. Milroy III

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