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Posted by Lou on April 30, 2002 at 14:44:05:

In Reply to: PHRYNOSOMA PLATYRHINOS...(longish) posted by Travis on April 30, 2002 at 01:59:38:

: Hi all- I just became the beneficiary of 2 young PHRYNOSOMA PLATYRHINOS, and I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to adequately take care of them without asking for some help in this forum. I currently have them in a 20 gallon tank, but I'm not sure of the proper temps for them. Also I read through the archives and found some messages regarding the feeding of crix... is it okay to feed crix along with ants? or should ants be the only thing that I feed them. Any advice and help would be most appreciated. Thanks

You can feed them wax worms, king mealworms, and crix's but ants are there main food source. Temps on one side of the cage shold be about 105 or so and 85 on the other so the animal can regulate it's body temps. I've found in 20 gal cage a 100watt bulb does fine along with a 7% flourescent bulb for UVB.UVA light. They need sand to burry in and occassional spray some plants or the side of the glass so the can lap up water or put down a piece of lettuce with water on it and they will lap up the water, be careful though to much moisure is detremntal to these guys. Ideally during the summer a cage covered in 1/4 screen mesch and made out of wood would be preferable. Don't put your animals out in the sun in a glass cage or they'll burn up. A nice size outside cage would be a 3 x 18" or so cage. Good luck....

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