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Re: HL diet

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Posted by Lester G. Milroy III on February 26, 2002 at 10:23:57:

In Reply to: HL diet posted by charlie cloud on February 25, 2002 at 17:48:52:

: hi,
: my HL has waken up form hybernation with a big apitie for any thing that moves she is only about 2" long so the food has to be small. she has eatan earwigs, meale worms, small tile horned beele grubs, termites, magots, moth pupea, crickets, and some ants that look like a mix with the fire ant and the suger ant. befor she started hybernating she would just eat termites, and was very scard of harvester ants. well i dicided to try the ants agin since it looked like a good time to try. well it did not work she dosn't run like she did she just pays them no mind. i have tryed chilling them and cuting all ther legs off so they just wigl aroud but she just shows no intrest at all. i was wandering what to do; should i just keep doing what i am doing or what. any info will be gratfull thank you.

:First off, do not worry about having fire ants. No one is going out to collect fire ants. It is next to impossible to get or collect fire ants. Do not cut the legs off of the ants because that is pretty much self-defeating. You have a first year HL and if the HL just emerged from hibernation, give it some time to come out of the hibernation stupper. Feed the HL what it will eat for now. It will need water to rehydrate after hibernation and that is a big priority. My captive study group of HLs are starting to come out of hibernation and they are all eating ants and drinking water in a typical manner. They have done this for 6+ years and are doing quite well. Give them time and observe the behaviors. They will be your guide if you pay close attention. Lester G. Milroy III

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