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Re: Hoggie shedding cycles - really, really puzzled!!!

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Posted by Tenaka on April 21, 2003 at 15:11:37:

In Reply to: Hoggie shedding cycles - really, really puzzled!!! posted by brigitte4 on April 21, 2003 at 13:32:16:

Heya Brig

This doesnt sound at all normal to me, have you got a large water dish large enough for the snake to immerse himself,also have you suitable furniture such as rough rocks, vinewood and reptigrass etc for him to rub his snout on, my two slough by rubbing snout and chin back and forth across the reptigrass then they slide around the rocks and vinewood and slowly peel the old skin off.
I have had hoggies now about few years, my male sheds four times a year the shed cycle lasts around ten to fourteen days, he goes milky for the part of the shed, when his eyes clear then he will usually slough in a few days three or four is about average.
The female seems to be syncronised with the male her eyes going misty usually half way through the males shed cycle. both tend to slough succesfully in one piece and I dont have a problem with addherence.
I hope this helps somewhat by giving you an idea of what to expect.


:Please can someone shed (ooh bad pun) some light on what a Western Hognose (age about 8 months) should be?

:We've had our hoggie since October, and he has shed once, in December, perfectly, all in one piece. This was a surprise at the time, as we saw no 'blue phase'.

:About a month ago we did see a definite blue - milky eyes and all - and then waited. And waited. And waited.

:We're still waiting. He is fine in all other respects - his skin feels soft and same as it always did.

:Please, please tell me what we should expect?
:Much appreciated,

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