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Re: venom warning

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Posted by Tenaka on April 12, 2003 at 01:14:47:

In Reply to: Re: venom warning posted by electricbluescat on April 11, 2003 at 22:40:34:

yes John I have been bitten a few times by Hoggies the first time was a stupid feeding accident due in part to inexperience on my part and playfulness on my kittens, the kitten jumped into the open vivarium where my very hungry hognose was franticly trying to get to the piece of trout that had finally gotten him interested in feeding. I had had him some nonths and he wouldnt eat mice and I didnt have any toads so I decided to try trout and was placing it in the viv when the kitten jumped in I took my eye of the snake and swatted the kitten out of the vivarium, only to feel the sharp prick of teeth on finger.
My fault totally, it taught me to make sure the cat is out of the way before opening the vivarium, the other times were all my little female, when she was a neonate she just struck out when she scented pinkies often missing them entirely or ctching me before I got her in the dish, also she wasnt averse to defensive biting or speculative feeding I am still not sure which, last year around november she bit me when I went to take her out for a bit of handling there was a neat row of six little pin pricks on the pad of my index finger and the finger did stiffen and swell a bit but nothing more.
Misty is pretty fiesty she even bit my cats ear once, the cat came in through the window and jumped into my lap and curled up purring the snake didnt take kindly to the cats ear rubbing against it and struck out , that nearly gave me heart failure bad enough cat and snake near each other but trying to prise a snake of the cats ear while keeping the cat purring and quiet was a real task. Happily it turned out well but I am careful around misty now she has a track record of biting if she feels threatened.


::I keep the necessary protocols and Epi for the venonous snakes that I keep, but I do not keep any precautionary items specifically for Heterdon. To be more to the point, I'd no longer keep Epi, nor any of the other precautionary items, if I were to just keep Heterdon and no longer have any venomous species.
::Shaun Keeney

:I am wanting to get some hognose babies and breed them after they mature has anyone ever been bitten before by a hognose? I have seen some pics of a bite and to me it looked like the person would not stop bleeding around the bite. It swelled up bad too but it lasted like for a day or 2 but it stopped. The bleeding lasted for a couple of minutes.



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