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Re: Deep aspen, ever see your snake?

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Posted by cpn_aaron on March 21, 2003 at 14:48:33:

In Reply to: Deep aspen, ever see your snake? posted by mike z on March 21, 2003 at 13:28:18:

I have a pair of yearling westerns and they tend to be shy as well. I settled on aspen because they seemed to ignore hides no matter how small and tight fitting they were.
I have a layer of aspen about 5 or 8 cm deep. The snakes are about 30 cms a piece and this covers them mostly, but not completely. This has helped them acclimatize to me and the surroundings. Right now both are cruising their cages and hanging out on top of the substrate most of the day. They only hide when they have just eaten or have decided to be shy. Your easterns may just need a small amount to feel safe in and slowly allow them to acclimatize to the idea of seeing people again after a long nap.

:After trying most reasonable substrates, I've settled on aspen as being the best for both me and my snakes. Now that I have just woke my eastern hog from his long winter's sleep, I'm reconsidering the stratagy I used last season. Basically, this consisted of a pretty deep layer of aspen for my hog to tunnel in.
:Well, no doubt the snake appreciated this, he had tunnels all through it. Problem was, except for maybe an hour of basking in the early AM, the snake never showed himself. So I'm thinking this year I might go a little lighter on the depth just so I can see the snake more. What are your opinions?

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