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Re: WESTERN HOGNOSE: Who owns one..?

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Posted by rayesreptiles on March 02, 2003 at 22:20:37:

In Reply to: WESTERN HOGNOSE: Who owns one..? posted by Alan on March 01, 2003 at 23:14:24:

:I'm getting my first Western Hognose. Would love some reactions and feedback from owners regarding their experience with owning this snake. Thanks.

I had a number of these guys a couple years ago (just before they got popular, but due to moving had to sell them all) and recently got back into them (a couple colored westerns and a mexican).

I breed mostly geckos, and I'll honestly tell you these are the only snakes I have any interest in keeping/breeding! I wanted a snake with personality and got one! Some like to hiss and play cobra, others like to play dead (only females in my experience, odd!) and others didn't mind at all. Even the hissers and actors turned into normal, investigative snakes when handled, and I've used them in educational demonstrations many times. Other than feeding, their care is simple and easy... my set ups are just a waster bowl and some paper towels for quarentine, and a water bowl and care fresh otherwise (humidity hides are also in for females).

Only difficulty with these guys would be feeding, but you should be able to buy one from a good breeder who should tell you if you have a picky eater or not. I've had some odd feeders before... my favorite being the one that liked colored mice over albinos (I've heard this from two other hoggie keepers). I recomend these as one of the top beginner snakes, as long as you get a good feeder.

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