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Re: WESTERN HOGNOSE: Who owns one..?

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Posted by SPReptile on March 02, 2003 at 21:38:57:

In Reply to: WESTERN HOGNOSE: Who owns one..? posted by Alan on March 01, 2003 at 23:14:24:

I personally have had the privledge of keeping hognose for the last 14 years. I have gained some through breeding and also lost some. I would personally recommend them to anyone desiring one. I have personally handled several hundred westerns and have never had one try to bite even those I collected in the wild.
You may or may not need this info, but here goes.
One word of wisdom : Be willing to try anything! What I mean has mostly to do with feeding. Be willing to go the extra mile to keep your hoggie alive. I have been fortunate with the animals who , thier whole lives have eaten thawed pinks,fuzzies and mice. Then I have had to work with others that disregarded rodents and gave me the only option of finding alternate foods. I have had hognose eat baby birds(live), small lizards(live or dead), tiger salamanders and thier larvae, toads,tadpoles, and even goldfish. If you ever have to resort to one of these alternates, goldfish are the easiest to acquire.I use these animals to keep the hognose fed as I try to switch them to a constant diet. I have also bought goldfish and let them swim around in a very shallow dish then removing them and using this water to scent thawed mice. I still use this method if one of my hognose stops feeding for more than a couple of weeks. I have seen many hognose come and go because I didn't know how to cater to their preferences. These animals though, are the greatest snakes to have as pets and I congratulate you on your journey.

:I'm getting my first Western Hognose. Would love some reactions and feedback from owners regarding their experience with owning this snake. Thanks.

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