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Breeding Westerns? Colby and others please respond, thanks

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Posted by SPR on February 25, 2003 at 19:58:55:

My questions are about the appropriate size of a breeding box
for my westerns. Most of my females are heavy enough to breed
but my males have only had 2 or 3 meals. Also, do I need to wait
until they empty their digestive tracks to stick them in with eachother? When put together, they have a particular shaky movement against eachother with the female wagging her tail then emitting a clear fluid into the tub. Is this normal for Hognose?
I have never caught them in the act but How long do I need to leave them together? I have heard that I need to separate then reintroduce every few days, for I won't know whether they have done the deed or not. And lastly, Will a male hog breed multiple females? Any or as much input as anyone can give will be great. thanks, SPR

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